• +92 (300) 829 - 5270
  • info@ibnesinadawakhana.com

Urticaria / Hives

Urticaria or Urticaria, commonly known as Hives in English; AlSharaa in Arabic, and Chapaki or Pitti in Urdu, generally affects a small percentage of people at least once in their lives. It often appears as an itchy patch of skin that may turn into swollen red welted stripes.


Raised Itchy Bumps (Either Red Or Skin-Colored), Itchy/Swollen Eyelids, Swollen Lips, Swollen Tongue, Itchy/Watery Eyes, Runny Nose, Swollen Airways (Esophagus), Difficulty Breathing, Itchiness, Sneezing, Lack Of Concentration, Irritability. In Extreme Cases, Swelling May Be Intense Enough To Shut The Airways Completely (Which Can Be Life Threatening).


Symptoms may worsen during evening and night time. Urticaria is generally not life threatening but in rare cases the airways might get blocked due to swollen esophagus which can lead to asphyxiation.


Certain Materials, Food Items (Like Some Meats/Poultry/Shellfish, And Some Vegetables), non Unani Medicines (Like Antibiotics)/Procedures (Like Blood Transfusions), Pre Existing Genetic Conditions, Allergies, Infections, Stress, And Etc May Trigger And/Or Worsen The Symptoms.

Management and Treatment

Hakeem Syed Muhammad Rehan Alam’s family has been successfully treating all kinds of Urticaria disorders for more than 88 years. It is one of the signature treatments offered by Hakeem Rehan’s family and their expertise in this field is well known. The secret to the family’s resounding success in treating Urticaria is their in depth knowledge of exact physiology behind it. Hakeem Rehan’s Urticaria treatment is unique in the sense that it is generally very effective and permanent – for both temporary and chronic cases.

Please note that in case of life threatening emergency, it is strongly recommended that the patient is taken to the ER in the nearest hospital. Herbal treatment of Urticaria is usually started once the patient is in stable (non life threatening) condition.

Hakeem Rehan has a specific way of approaching diagnosis and treatment. Patient history, pulse analysis, and Qaroora (urine inspection) help the Tabib narrow down the root cause (such as trauma, infection, heredity, and relevant humor imbalances). Whenever necessary, we do make use of modern lab tests in arriving at and confirming diagnosis and in monitoring of treatment progress. Our treatment plan is very simple. Keeping in mind patient’s mezaj, patient is immediately put on a 4-12 week strict dietary plan coupled with Unani medication drug regimen consisting of various processed and unprocessed herbs and etc., in the form of syrup, Herbal tea, madjoon (paste), and Sufoof (powder).