• +92 (300) 829 - 5270
  • info@ibnesinadawakhana.com

Female Health Disorders

Some health issues and conditions are unique to women only due to women specific anatomy. These include: menstruation and menstrual irregularities; urinary tract infections, incontinence, pelvic floor disorders; vaginosis, vaginitis, abnormal vaginal discharge (including likoria), uterine fibroids, vulvodynia,polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, osteoporosis, menopause, hormonal disorders, birth control, sexually transmitted infections, and various types of cancer such as those of the breast, and ovaries.


Lethargy, palpitation, depression, incontinence, sleep disorders, dizziness, blood pressure, back pain, joint pain, facial swelling, swelling of limbs, low grade fever, hair fall, appearance of hair in abnormal places, nail disorders, acne, disproportionate weight gain in certain parts of the body, and etc.


Various. While trauma, infection, chemical imbalances (such as hormonal), heredity, and relevant humor imbalances dominate the root causes, Herbal medicine is of the view point that lifestyle choices also play an important role. These include abortions; multiple pregnancies; miscarriages; frequent caesarean procedures; use of contraceptive medicines, devices, and procedures; menstrual intercourse; menstrual showering/bathing, menstruation prevention medication, other medication such as hormone therapy (thyroid, estrogen, etc), crash dieting, refraining from breast feeding, and bad dietary habits such as excessive poultry consumption.

Management and Treatment

My (Hakeem Syed Muhammad Rehan Alam’s) family has been successfully treating all kinds of female health disorders for more than 88 years. It is one of our family’s signature treatments and our expertise in this field is well known. We have a proprietary way of approaching diagnosis and treatment. Patient history, pulse analysis, and Qaroora (urine inspection) help the Tabib narrow down the root cause (such as trauma, infection, heredity, and relevant humor imbalances). Whenever necessary, we do make use of modern lab tests in arriving at and confirming diagnosis and in monitoring of treatment progress. Our treatment plan is very simple. Patient is immediately put on a strict dietary plan coupled with Unani drug regimen (that may take anywhere from a few weeks for simple disorders to up to 20 weeks for serious ones) consisting of various processed and unprocessed herbs etc.


Our secret to successfully treating female health disorders lies in our in depth knowledge and expertise on the subject. We specialize in diagnosis and treatment of these disorders and our recommended treatment plan including lifestyle changes have very high success rate.