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Hemiplegia (Urdu: Falej)

Patient Initials:

T. Jilani

Age: 54 Years

Gender: Male

Location: Karachi, Pakistan


Paralysis of right side of whole body; Loss of ambulatory and sensory functions; Loss of muscular control of mouth, hands and feet; difficulty in food and fluid intake; etc


Hemiplegia (Urdu: Falej) [Blood clot in brain diagnosed by allopathic doctors]

Suggested Allopathic Treatment:

Brain surgery; drug regimen including blood thinners, tests like MRI/Scans etc, extensive physiotherapy, and etc.

Unani Treatment:

Careful examination of the patient confirmed Hemiplegic symptoms. Since in such cases internal brain hemorrhaging is often a likely cause, the need for emergency surgery (to stop hemorrhaging and/or relieve any pressure) is always a possibility. That is why the patient was kept under close supervision for a few days before embarking on an aggressive treatment plan.

Multiple humors were seen out of balance. Patient was also found to be a Hepatitis C carrier. Patient was put on a combination of herbal medicines and selective dietary plan. Multiple imbalances in the system started to improve immediately. Patient, who was significantly paralyzed and immobile earlier, came in for his next checkup completely unassisted. Few more weeks of treatment lead to total recovery.

Final Result:

Patent was completely healed in four weeks. Complete Success.