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Case Study#1: Chronic Migraine (since age six)

Case Study#2: Migraine (since early childhood)

Case Study#1: Chronic Migraine (since age six)

Patient Initials:

Ms. Aisha

Age: 12 Years

Gender: Female

Location: Karachi, Pakistan


Shooting pain in the head, nausea, sensitivity to light and noise, ocular pressure Diagnosis: Chronic Migraine (since age six)

Suggested Allopathic Treatment:

No treatment available. Pain management through pain killers (for life) and lifestyle changes advised. Frequent tests including eye tests, brain scans, and etc.

Unani Treatment: Treatment:

Is more or less the same as that for adults with the same problem. One marked difference though stands out and that is the tendency of children to produce relatively more rutoobat. This fact may at times warrant slightly different dietary plan and drug regimen.

Patient’s Phlegm humor was found to be not in equilibrium. Treatment involved relevant herbs and a strict dietary plan. Abstinence from certain foods like beef, juices, salads, yogurt, cold drinks was strictly enforced. Additionally, due to younger age of the patient and climate of the region, it was highly recommended that the patient stay away from consuming items such as eggs, citrus fruits, bananas, and etc. Patient started to respond to the treatment with in the first week.

Final Result:

Patient cured in four weeks. Complete Success.

Case Study#2: Migraine (since early childhood)

Patient Initials:

Ms. Siddiqa

Age: 39 Years

Gender: Female

Location: Michigan, U.S.A.


Shooting pain in the head, nausea, sensitivity to light and noise, ocular pressure.


Chronic Migraine (since early childhood).

Suggested Allopathic Treatment:

No treatment available. Pain management through pain killers (for life) and lifestyle changes advised. Frequent tests including eye tests, brain scans, and etc.

Unani Treatment:

Patient’s Phlegm humor was found to be not in equilibrium. Treatment involved relevant herbal medicines and a strict dietary plan. Abstinence from certain foods like beef, juices, salads, yogurt, cold drinks was strictly enforced. Patient started to respond to the treatment with in the first week.

Final Result:

Patient cured in three weeks. Complete Success.