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Sperm Count and Sexual Weakness Disorders

Sperm production involves a delicate harmony between the testes which is the main sperm production site, the brain (hypothalamus), and the pituitary gland. Hormones in the brain trigger sperm production in the testes. Theses sperms are usually ejaculated on sexual stimulation via the reproductive system. Sperm related disorders usually include issues related to quality and quantity of the sperm. Quality related issues usually revolve around the sperm morphology and motility. Quantity related issues are generally sperm count disorders such as Azoospermia – Lack of sperm and Oligospermia – Low Sperm Count. “Azoospermia” is a Greek (Unani) word meaning “no live sperm” (a = no, zoo = life, sperma = sperm). “Oligospermia” is also a Greek (Unani) word meaning “few sperms” (oligo = few, sperma = sperm).

Most common male sexual disorders include premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and libido disorders. Premature ejaculation is lack of ejaculatory control. Erectile dysfunction, commonly referred to as impotence, is the inability of the body to develop and maintain full penile erection. Libido disorders refer to sexual desire issues. Generally most patients with libido related issues have a lack of desire complaint but in some cases it is the opposite.


Rapid jerking movement, convulsions, muscular spasms/stiffness, blackouts, confusion, amnesia, fatigue, fainting, loss of control over body functions, uncontrolled blinking and chewing, fear, panic, anger, and other sensory confusion.


Causes of Azoospermia and Oligospermia include complications related to diseases such as mumps, typhoid, and small pox; side effects of non Unani medications; hormonal imbalances, trauma; and even life style choices such as intermarriages (between cousins, and etc.).

Causes of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction include excessive night-falls, excessive masturbation, frequent blood donation, sexual promiscuity (prostitution, sex with older person, sexual deviance), menstrual sex, consumption of narcotics such as Hash or Hashish (also called “Chars” in urdu), prostate enlargement, diabetes, hypertension, and medications such as blood thinners.

Management and Treatment

My (Hakeem Syed Muhammad Rehan Alam’s) family has been successfully treating all kinds Epilepsy disorders for more than 88 years. These are some of our family’s signature treatments and our expertise in these fields is well known. We have a proprietary way of approaching diagnosis and treatment. Patient history, pulse analysis, and Qaroora (urine inspection) help the Tabib narrow down the root cause (such as trauma, infection, heredity, and relevant humor imbalances). Whenever necessary, we do make use of modern lab tests in arriving at and confirming diagnosis and in monitoring of treatment progress. Our treatment plan is very simple. Patient is strictly advised to follow certain life style changes both during and after the treatment. Unani drug regimen (that may take anywhere from 16-24 weeks) includes various processed and unprocessed herbs etc. Please note that the treatment period significantly varies based on severity of affliction.


My family’s Epilepsy treatment plan is tried and tested for generations. Numerous people have benefited from our approach both locally and internationally. While many get completely healed, majority of our patients at least see vastly improved results when compared to other treatments available in the market. Our approach to treating epilepsy starts with real honey and an Herbal mix called “Mosil” targeting the Phlegm humor imbalance. Our dietary plan specifically excludes certain meats, seafood, and etc. We also strongly advise epilepsy sufferers against donating blood.