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  • info@ibnesinadawakhana.com


The word hemiplagia itself originated from Greek (Unani) “Hemi” meaning “Half” and “Plege” meaning “Stroke”. The term Hemiplegia refers to paralysis of one side of the body. Unani medicine has been treating hemiplagia for thousands of years. Herbal treatment, when done right, is much more effective than other forms of contemporary treatments.

Hemiplegia is generally a recurring phenomenon. Patients may suffer repeat episodes of Hemiplegic attacks. In rare cases, Hemiplegia can be life threatening.


Total or partial loss of sensation/paralysis on just one side; seizures, difficulty in cognition and speech; loss of muscular control, muscular stiffness, atrophy, and spasms. In some cases, psychological dysfunction is also seen in patients.


Generally hemiplagia results when the brain is unable to produce, send, or interpret signals due to disease or damage to one or more components of the nervous system – such as: brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Causes may include brain injuries, aneurysms, hemorrhages, strokes, infections, diseases and other disorders such as hypertension, encephalitis, meningitis, lesions, multiple sclerosis, cancer, and cerebral palsy. Severe psychological episodes such as extreme fear, shock, and sadness may also trigger Hemiplegia.

Management and Treatment

My (Hakeem Syed Muhammad Rehan Alam’s) family has been successfully treating all kinds of Paralysis disorders for more than 88 years. It is one of our family’s signature treatments and our expertise in this field is well known. We have a proprietary way of approaching diagnosis and treatment. Patient history, pulse analysis, and Qaroora (urine inspection) help the Tabib narrow down the root cause (such as trauma, infection, heredity, and relevant humor imbalances). Whenever necessary, we do make use of modern lab tests in arriving at and confirming diagnosis and in monitoring of treatment progress. Patient is examined in detail in order to confirm Hemiplegic symptoms. Since in such cases internal brain hemorrhaging is often a likely cause, the need for emergency surgery (to stop hemorrhaging and/or relieve any pressure on the brain) is always a possibility. That is why the patient is generally kept under close supervision for a few days before embarking on a comprehensive Herbal treatment plan. Our treatment plan is very simple. Patient is put on a strict dietary plan coupled with generally up to 6 week Unani drug regimen consisting of various processed and unprocessed herbs and etc., in the form of Herbal tea, madjoon (paste), and Syrups.


If the patient comes for treatment within a month or so of the first attack, chances of treatment success increase significantly. Old cases of Hemiplegia are hard to treat.